City of San Luis Obispo
Naman Family Trust
Year Completed:
Lot Line Adjustment
Vesting Tentative Tract Map for Condominium Purposes
Conditional Use Permit
This downtown project presented multiple challenges: two of the four buildings required seismic retrofitting, while also being listed historic resources; portions of one of the buildings shares a common wall with an adjacent building, while both structures span San Luis Creek. Seismically retrofitting of the historic resources posed both structural and economic challenges. The creative solution included the relocation and rehabilitation of the historic unreinforced masonry structures. The proposed relocation allowed for removal of the creek spanning structure, design of a second story addition to the historic resources, design of a new paseo from Chorro Street to existing patios along San Luis Creek and Mission Plaza, and avoidance of the need for an Environmental Impact Report. We are proud to have participated in this important downtown core property through management of the design team and coordination with City staff and advisory bodies through the entitlement and construction phases.
Circumstances Unique to the Project:
- Relocation, rehabilitation and seismic retrofit of historic resources
- Buildings constructed atop San Luis Creek
- Adaptive reuse and redevelopment of existing buildings